Sneezebee is definately one of my favourites so far! Not having any background in biology, and given the name and location of this sculpture, I originally assumed that the decoration was of microscopic viruses, such as the common cold, but on reading the plaque, I was informed that it is a collection of magnified pollen grains. Seems more suitable for a bee really! 

This Bee In The City sits outside Wythenshawe Hospital, near the entrance to the Medicines Evaluation Unit, and is decorated with great attention to detail. If there was an award for the most beautiful eyes on any of the 101 bees, Sneezebee has to be in the running.

Tip – If you have the app, check your reward for this bee!

Created by: Pam Smart and Michelle Turton
Sponsor: Medicines Evaluation Unit
Location: Medicines Evaluation Unit, Wythenshawe Hospital